
Avance 300


Located in Pierce Annex 123

Spectrometer Capabilities

Bruker Avance 300 (2 channel Z axis gradient spectrometer)

Our walk-up NMR in Pierce Annex!

1D1H, 19F,DEPT, INEPT, presat, broadband tunable 85Rb-19
2D- COSY, NOESY, ROESY, TOCSY, HSQC, HMQC, HMBC, and their gradient counterparts.


5mm BBO ATM Z axis gradient, variable temperature. X channel computer tuneable from 85Rb-19F

  • Sign Up Rules
    Before scheduling usage, read the rules.
  • Help Sheets
    Familiarize yourself on how to use the equipment
  • Schedule
    Reserve a time frame for usage of the Avance 300.


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