

Bruker D8 Venture
Bruker D8 Venture Duo with Oxford Cryostream 800


The ACIF X-Ray facility is equipped with a Bruker D8 Venture diffractometer capable of collecting high-quality diffraction data from a variety of sample types including single crystals of small molecules, frameworks, and proteins, as well as transmission-mode powder samples. The switchable molybdenum and copper microfocus radiation sources provide the flexibility to accommodate a range of samples and applications from high-resolution charge density studies to absolute structure determination for light-atom molecules. The shutterless data acquisition of the PHOTON III CPAD detector and the four-axis Kappa geometry of the goniometer allow for optimal data collection efficiency, and an Oxford Cryostream 800 enables sample temperatures from 80 to 400K.



Last updated: July 28, 2020