Optical Lab Instrument Schedules
Rudolph AutoPol IV Polarimeter
Signup rules:
1. Reservations are limited to no more than 48 consecutive hrs M-F per group on a given instrument unless approved by the facility manager. A group can reserve an instrument for a longer period (up to 72 hrs) if the reservation spans the entire weekend. A group can not book time concurrently on replicate instruments (i.e. the Cary 50s or the Cary 500s). This applies to all instruments except the AFM-Raman. For the AFM-Raman, reservations are limited to no more than 1.5 consecutive hours between the hours of 8 am-5 pm M-F with a max of 1.5 hours total each day. You are allotted another 3 hours total daily M-F from 5 pm-10 pm. You may book the entire time from 10 pm-8 am M-F. You are allowed to reserve time for the M-F time slots up to two days in advance beginning at 10 am daily. During the weekends you may book from 8 am Saturday to 8 am Monday with 24 hours total time being the only restriction. Weekend time slots are available within a moving two week window. Users who violate these rules will have their reservation canceled.
2. You must arrive on time and sign in in the log book. Failure to sign the log book may result in loss of access to the facility. You are expected to use the time you book. If you can't make your reserved time slot you must cancel the reservation as soon as possible. You are not allowed to give your time to someone else. If you are more that 10 minutes late your reservation is forfeited and the time becomes available on a first come first serve basis.
3. Allow enough time for your experiment and reserve your time accordingly. You are expected to 1) Use the bulk of the time you've reserved and 2) Be finished by the end of your reserved time so others don't have to wait.
For other Optical Facility instruments, please email lzhu003@ucr.edu to get your groups log in info.