Spectrometer Capabilities
Bruker Avance 600 liquids/solids (4 channel triple axis gradient spectrometer)
Capable of Variable Temperature Experiments. Capable of executing most state-of-the-art pulse sequences.
5mm BBO broadband tunable 109Ag - 31P, z-axis gradient, VT -150 C to +180 C
5mm TBI 1H, 13C, X - tunable from 15N - 31P, VT -150 C to +180 C
5mm TXI 1H, 13C, 15N tripe resonance, triple axis gradient, VT -100 C to +100 C
5mm SEF 1H,19F, z-axis gragient, VT -150 C to +150 C
1mm TXI 1H, 13C, 31P triple resonance z-axis gradient, VT -150 C, +150 C
4mm CP/MAS 1H, X - tunable from 15N - 31P
4mm HRMAS 1H, 13C, 2H lock, magic angle gradient
2.5mm 1H, 13C, 15N biosolids probe
1.3mm 1H, 13C, 15N, 2H fast spinning biosolids probe
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