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NMR Facility


MNova annual license is available to ACIF NMR users. Click here for details. 

Service and Training

To request service or training contact us by phone Lingchao Zhu 951-827-3628 or e-mail lzhu003@ucr.edu.

Please request your training ONLY when you are ready to generate NMR samples. Experience teaches us that getting trained too far in advance will just result in having to repeat the training.

This NMR training is intended to prepare you for using the  Bruker spectrometers in the UCR NMR facility. It is very important that you read these documents carefully and that you thoroughly understand their contents. We estimate that it will take you one to two hours to go through all training materials. If you have any questions, or need help or clarifications, please do not hesitate to contact the NMR facility staff.

1. Safety and Facility Rules

2. NMR Sample Preparation Guide

3. Spinner and SampleCase handle Videos

4. NMR Acquisition Guide (Each NMR has its own copy on the table)

5. NMR Online Schedule Guide

6. NMR Data Access


ACIF NMR Facility In House Recharge Rates

Please see this webpage for details about ACIF Membership.

NMR Instrument
ACIF Membership Rate
Non-Membership Rate
AV700 $9/hr $18/hr
NEO600 $9/hr $18/hr
AV600 $9/hr $18/hr
AV500 $9/hr $18/hr
NEO400 $18/hr $36/hr
AV300 $9/hr $18/hr

Operation Assistance
(one hour minimum)

$25/hr $50/hr
Training (one hour minimum) $25/hr $50/hr


NMR/EPR Monthly Cap on Instruments
Instruments (Summation)
Monthly Cap
NMR600s, 500, 400, 300 $1500
NMR 700 $3000
EPR $750






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